Mom guilt is killing me *TRIGGER WARNING*

I want to start off saying there will be mentions of sexual assault. And now a little bit of how things got started for me. I was sexually assaulted at 15 and found out I was pregnant 2 weeks before my 16th birthday/start of my sophmore year of high school. I was devasted. I couldn't believe something like that could have ever happened to me and i blamed myself for a long time constantly saying things to myself like "why didn't I just make sure to take my birth control that week" "why couldn't my attacker have at least worn a condom" and a million other things. I know it was never my fault, that I did nothing wrong but its still something I have to live with. I decided, against everything everyone was telling me, to keep my baby and not abort it. I thought very long and hard on adoption but decided, again against everything everyone told me, to keep my baby. I found out I was having a baby girl and was overwhelmed with happiness. Everything about my pregnancy was beautiful. I had no sickness, no swelling, no stretch marks, no excessive weight gain, a good support system, and a welcoming home to bring my baby too. I labored for barely 7 hours and was able to successfully have a 100% natural, quick and easy birth, I only pushed for 10 minutes and she was out.I cried. She was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen. I had a very easy and very quick delivery, had no trouble at all with breastfeeding and had an outstanding recovery and almost off the bat she had a very well developed sleep schedule even for a newborn, she was one of the happiest babies anyone in my family had ever seen.I felt as if i had bounced back like that! I truly believe everything was so easy for me because the universe saw my horrific ordeal and maybe took pity on me. Flash forward to now. My baby girl is almost 3 years old, im now 19 and expecting my 2nd baby girl whos due in january. I love my daughter so much that i can never get enough of her. Its been almost 3 years and I still feel guilty for leaving her at home even to just run to the store for 5 minutes. I never want to leave her side. She makes me so incredibly happy. I feel like i can never get out of this mom guilt thing. Shes almost 3 and has NEVER been more than just 30 minutes away from me at all times and has NEVER stayed the night over anywhere without me. We have spent every single night together since she was born. I feel like I'm crazy sometimes for never wanting to be away from her. And i feel so ridiculously guilty for having another baby. I'm so scared that my attention will be so focused on the new baby that my daughter will feel left out, even though she is crazy excited to be a big sister and cant wait for the baby to be here, I know she doesnt fully understand what that means and her happiness for the baby just makes me feel almost guiltier. I just dont know how to get over this guilt! This pregnancy has been almost completely opposite from my first, im tired all the time, i have to pee every 30 minutes, I'm never comfortable and ive had to stop doing so much with my daughter because i just can't do it anymore until the baby gets here. Can anyone please tell me how to get over how guilty I feel!! I know every thing will be fine in the end but I just cant get over the thought of "what am i going to do with 2 kids by myself!" "How will i ever make sure to give my first enough attention without depriving my second of it?" And a 100 other guilt like questions. Any advice will be extremely helpful, please dont give negative comments or say anything mean, please be kind with your words!!