7 Weeks Pp Help


I just had my daughter 7 weeks ago and at 6 weeks pp my ob gave me the all clear that I was fine and could go back to normal things, now 7 weeks pp I just started bleeding heavy bright red blood and having some pain.

Back story, I had normal bleeding and it lighted over time and and then around 5 weeks pp I was bleeding red and heavy again for 4-5 days I was told it was my period ( I am breastfeeding but my daughter sometimes goes 7hrs sleeping at night). After the 4-5 days it went back to whitish discharge and it was practically gone. At my 6 week check up with my ob she just talked to me didn’t check me and said I was all good based on I had no pain and my bleeding was non existent. Fast forward now to me having bright red blood. Is this normal?