This is huge


This will but long and I’ll get to the good news but you need some back story to this.

On June 30, 2013 I married my best friend and the love of my life. Doing what I thought was best, I went on birth control shortly before our wedding day. I had normal cycles, and no other complications prior to this.

My doctor prescribed me a birth control that I thought would be good for us. I took it from April- August. Hated it. We moved to another state in June 2013. I stopping taking the birth control in August and decided to find a doctor to try another form. Tried 4 months of the new kind but still didn’t like how it made me feel.

Soon after stopping the birth control I starting having these terrible pains in my rectum after I finished bleeding until ovulation. At first they weren’t so bad, but they progressively got worse.

We moved to another state in August of 2015. The pain seemed to be getting worse and worse. Nothing seemed to elevate the pain. I went to several doctors who told me it was nothing, or the best one was that it was a hemorrhoid. I started doing some research and discovered I likely had endometriosis. I talked to my mom about it and she informed me that she had it. I mentioned it to a few doctors but they denied that I had it.

Fast forward to December 2017. I moved to yet another state in August of 2017 to be the teacher and principal of a small school. My treasurer told me of a good women’s clinic, so I thought I would give it a try. In December of 2017, I had an appointment with an obgyn who listened and did an ultrasound where she found that I have endometriosis.

Now that I finally received a diagnosis, of what was causing these horrible pains that now brought me to tears every month I thought it would bring some relief. Only what I found, was that there are few options to bring relief.

I started looking at natural ways to bring some relief. I tried a gluten, soy and dairy free diet for about 6 months. It helped some but the pain was still unbearable at times.

A friend told me about intermittent fasting. I thought I would try it. After 5 months of trying an intermittent fasting diet, I am now completely pain free. No pain at all. None. Zilch. Nada. Last month I had a little bit of pain, but this month is none.

I feel like a normal person once again.

Now with my pain gone, maybe just maybe my husband and I will get pregnant. We’ve been trying for 3 years and the only reason we can determine is that my endometriosis is causing the infertility.