Should I leave while it’s early?


I met this guy who’s great! We met on tinder. We talk constantly but he did let me know he was in a relationship for four years and they broke up almost a year ago. He did express he wanted a friendship and really wanted to get to know me. The first time we hung out we stayed up talking in the car until 2 in the morning. We didn’t even go anywhere lol the second time was the same. We stayed up until 4 in the morning just talking about life and I have to be up for work at 7 🤦🏾‍♀️lol the connection is amazing.

But here’s the thing. I would like a relationship...not exactly right now because I just got out of an unhealthy situation but I know at some point some months down the line if things continue the way they are I will probably want things to go further. I know I can’t tell the future but he’s expressed how hes still finding himself after his 4 year relationship so I kind of feel dumb to get In involved? Should I just walk away from the situation right now since it’s only been a few weeks?

Please give me some honest advice.