My stepdad is having an affair.


Hey guys. I just need to vent about this because I honestly feel like its a horrible dream. My Mom has been thru a LOT of shit in her life. Abusive boyfriends, alcoholic boyfriends, my Dad left her when I was 3 weeks old and has never been in the picture. My grandparents both passed away a few years ago from cancer and she took care of both of them by herself. She lost her house in 2007 and was forced to move into my grandparents house. She swore she would never date again because of how many times shes been hurt. She is the most hard working, empathetic and amazing person I know.

Well 6 years ago she finally met a guy and gave him a chance. Turns out he was an amazing guy and we ALL loved him. Every single person who knows him says what a great guy he is and how he treats my Mom amazingly. He does so much for all of us and we all have so much fun together. He even walked me down the aisle at my wedding. I consider him my Dad even though Ive only known him 6 years.

Well, everything fell apart this weekend when my Mom found texts on his phone between him and the neighbor. We found out hes been having an affair. This came out of nowhere. And now he wont even talk to my Mom or answer his phone. We are all so upset over this. Even my husband cried last night because they are so close.

The worst part is this is right before the holidays and I am 9 weeks pregnant. He is literally giving up everything and tearing apart our family when this is supposed to be a happy time and I just hate him for it. My mom wont eat, she wont sleep, shes a mess. I just dont think she can handle going through this again. Im so worried about her and its stressing me out. I just dont know what we are going to do. 😥 I am heartbroken and I feel like he is breaking up with all of us.