Husband wiped bank account, mystery mistress??


My husband and I have been together for six years, we’ve been married for two and when we got married we made a joint bank account with both names and each have debit cards.

The account we had together was all the savings we have.

One day he came home and told me he made another account so it collects interest.

I asked him if my name was on it or if I have access and he said no, but he’s willing to put me as a beneficiary?

I was so upset he did this without me and feel betrayed. He thinks it’s ok he did this because he told me, but he told me AFTER he did it.

I haven’t spoke to him in a couple weeks and we LIVE together, i was giving him the silent treatment hoping he would realize what he did makes me have trust issues now and I’m not happy about it. It’s stupid but silent treatment usually works..He seems he doesn’t even care that I’m not talking to him...

he left $900 in our joint account. So I guess I have $900 to my name you can say..and considering that’s his too I guess I have half of that?

When he gets paid it’s deposited into our account but then he moves it to his private account.

He’s the bread winner. There is a mistress (it’s his job and money!!)

I’ve NEVER given him any indication I would leave him and take the money.

What do I do to protect myself? Why is he so obsessed with money? We’re middle class, it’s not like we’re rich so I don’t know why he’s like this.