Am I being over dramatic?

So I’ve been with my boyfriend for 3 years now and the first 2 years of our relationship neither of us were really financially stable to afford things other than necessities. Well I some how always found a way to save money to be able to get him gifts for his birthday, Christmas or just because. But he NEVER once saved any money and I’ve never gotten a gift for Christmas, my birthday, our anniversary or Valentine’s Day. Well this year we both finally having amazing jobs and can afford to spoil each other. So our 3 year anniversary was about 3 weeks ago and I spent about 250$ on getting him things that I knew he needed and wanted. Well our anniversary comes around and I get absolutely nothing. Not even a card. So then he gets his gift and tells me that his next check he will go and get my a purse that I’ve wanted since we’ve been dating that he’s always promised he’d get me. Well that check came and he never got it. Then this week he kept saying he was going to get it for me with this check. Well still no purse but yet he sat there and argued with me when I told him to not waste his money on another cat tree when our cats already have 3. Then he told me yesterday he would go today to get my purse. Well this morning his friend who was going to go shoppping with him calls and he doesn’t answer and says I don’t feel like going anywhere today. Whatever fine. Well he just left to go to game stop. Like wtf you can get up and leave to go to game stop for YOURSELF but you can’t go to the store to get me the purse you’ve promised me for years!!! I’m keeping my mouth shut and done expecting shit from him but I just want to cry. He never spoils me EVER it would be nice to just get something he’s promised he’d get me for once. I just feel like I try and make him happy when holidays, birthdays and our anniversary comes around but he can’t do the same. Like wtf. All I ever asked for was this purse but clearly it was too much to ask for. Guess I’ll just go get it myself like I’ve constantly said I would but he always tells me not to because he’ll get it. Am I being over dramatic?? It’s not like he doesn’t have the money. I never ask for anything to begin with so I don’t understand why he can’t just get me this one thing.