My Birth story 🎀


We arrived at the hospital at 6:30am. I was 39 weeks exactly and was already 3 cm and 80% effaced. She is my second baby, so maybe that has something to do with it? So I get my IV and Pitocin started and around 930 the hospitalist came in and broke my water. My contractions started getting uncomfortable around 1130 and I was stopping conversation to breathe through them but it wasn’t horrible. I ended up getting my epidural around 12 and that was fantastic! The nurse put a peanut ball between my legs. About 1:30-2 I told the nurse I felt like things were progressing and sure enough she checked me and I was at a 9!! So she turned me to the other side and said she’d call my dr! I was feeling sooo nervous and anxious, not sure why! So by the time my dr came in which was only around 10-15 mins (her office is directly across the intersection from the hospital) I was ready to push! In literally 3 contractions/ 9 pushes total my baby was in my arms! 6lbs 8oz 20 in long! She had a beautiful cry and was perfect! She was born at 3:09pm 11/14/18

Meet: Kopper Larrieux