My husband....


My husband absolutely chewed me out and belittled me about not having clothes clean. We live with his mom and two younger brothers. His brothers come in our room and take his socks and underwear. I made sure to do laundry before I left for my moms this weekend (which he was invited to come with me but said he wasn’t going if his dog couldn’t go) any way, he got mad me because he doesn’t have any clothes. I told him that he needs to talk with his brothers and set some boundaries. They don’t need to be going into our stuff. My husband said that when I notice he doesn’t have socks or underwear that I should go out and buy more. I told him that was awfully wasteful. I’m trying to finish my degree (I graduate on the 15th of December!) and I’m pregnant. I clean, I vacuum, I do all of his laundry, I iron his dress shirts, I get him ready every morning. He just has to wake up. But instead of being thanked or instead of him reaching out and helping me when he sees me struggling to juggle it all, I get an attitude and belittled.