Birth drama

So I’m not even really sure how to begin this, but I definitely need to get it off my chest. It’s been bothering me a long time, and I honestly don’t have anyone to talk to about it. My husband is probably so tired of my mommy and daddy issues. 😂

This was my second baby, and I had decided that I wanted my mom in the room when baby was born (she wasn’t for the first baby). I though it would be a great bonding experience and that she would be a great support, so I asked her early on and she excitedly agreed. Fast forward to 38 weeks pregnant, my parents came to stay with us since my first was born at 38 weeks and this one seemed to be following suit. My mom began taking control of literally everything, telling me what I could and couldn’t feed my toddler, going behind my back and giving my sister permission to do things that directly affected me without even asking me first. She began treating me like a child myself. I was becoming more and more upset by it, but would try to tell myself I was being too emotional and to let it go. Besides, my mom is a really difficult person to confront about these things and I didn’t want to start any drama this close to giving birth, so I just kept telling her how grateful I was that she was here and being so helpful. Well, one night my mom had cooked dinner, and my husband was running late coming home from work. She asked what I wanted to do about eating and I told her they could go ahead but that I was going to wait on my husband. She misunderstood me, but I didn’t know until she called everyone to the table so I said, “ok well I’ll get (my older child) fed while y’all eat, but I’m going to wait on my hubby” and she flipped out on me, started talking about how I have the worst attitude and I’d been terrible all day and basically went on and on about what a terrible human I am. I was like, “whoa, that’s enough, you can’t be mad at me just because you misunderstood what I said about eating dinner.” And told her she was the one who has been running all over me in my own house. She and my dad retreated to their room and stayed there until my husband got home. I burst into tears when he walked in and filled him in on what had just happened. He’s already not the biggest fan of my parents, and he’s always seen how toxic they are even when I didn’t. He was cordial during dinner but later discussed asking them to leave, but I said no because I knew I would be having the baby in a few days and we could use their help. The next day I had a doctors appointment and my mom asked if they should go home and just come back if I went into labor, I told her it was up to them, if they didn’t want to be there I understood but there was no way to tell how soon my baby would come, even after they swept my membranes. So she said she’d wait the day to see how things went. I ended up going into labor that day and went to the hospital that night. I had planned on having a natural birth, but tensions were high and my husband and mom eventually got into an argument while I was in active labor, in my room, so I just got the epidural because I didn’t think I could handle the tension on top of labor. It was a pretty terrible experience actually. She then invited people over to my house before I was even discharged from the hospital, so when I got home I had a house full of people and didn’t get to have time with my older child until everyone had left. The whole reason my parents had come over was to help AFTER the birth, but she came downstairs the day after we got home and announced they were leaving. She was still mad about the argument we had the day before I went into labor. She had already packed and was gone 20 minutes later and I felt totally abandoned by her. Thankfully my husband had a few days off work and was able to help me stock up on groceries and such, but I honestly am still hurt by it all, probably because I can’t even talk to her about it. She won’t ever take responsibility for her actions, and she’ll never admit she was wrong. I apologized the night of our argument for getting emotional, but she never once admitted to being wrong in any way. She acted like she had done nothing wrong and that I had severely miss treated her. I obviously know now how toxic a relationship with her is, and we’ve since put up some boundaries. I just wish things were different with her. I just really want a solid mother-figure in my life that I can count on, and I know that probably sounds silly.

Anyway, sorry for the extremely long post. Thanks for making it through if you did. 😅❤️