Questions with Cetrotide...

Jenna • Married: 10/10/16 💍 💙 3/22/17 🌈🌈 💗 02/06/20 IVF baby.

For those who are using Cetrotide, did you experience cramping and other ovulation signs? I’m nervous bc I started my stim cycle and I was going out of town for ONE DAY and the morning of my out of town leave I completed CBC and US and my nurse said “you’re good, we won’t be starting Cetrotide yet bc your lead follicle is only 14.” Well she neglected to think about estrogen levels and i get a call 5 hours later and after I’ve already left town to start my Cetrotide. Obviously that wasn’t an option as I left it home. So she told me to hope that I didn’t have a surge and just start today. I did...but now having all kinds of symptoms that normally come with ovulation. BUT I’m still bleeding from’s my last day. What’s been your experience?