Af due 23rd, gained so much weight in 1 week!


Okay, since 2012 I haven't been able to gain weight. I always weighed 95lbs. Well this past week I can't stop eating. Like 2 bagels at a time, and still not full. Welp, now im 104.5lbs. The beginning of the well I was 100lbs. It's so odd to gain so much and have it stick and keep gaining. I've also had mild/ light cramps, more in my lower stomach and some quick pains up my side for the last week. I've woken up a few times with headaches, making me not wanna move. I'm not sure if this is all af coming... or implantation. Opinions? Also is it top early to test? I'm 9dpo.

Also i Just got over my uti 2 days ago. And im still peeing alot... it dosen't hurt or feel like it's still a uti. Just frequent need to pee.