What are the odds?


My cycle had the past two months been 32-34 days. My last period was October 1st. I was intimate on the 6th of Nov. The 4. 3. And 2nd. I supposedly ovulated on the 6th that's when I got a peak opk. ( I have pcos and was told that OPKS Don't usually work for pcos women.) But on the 5th and 6th of Nov I had cramping and sore breasts. On the 7th it stopped and on the 8th the cramping came back and has been since.

Other symptoms I am having


On/off sore nipples heavy breasts


Food aversions ( my cookie dough when baking smelled like soft pretzels.. yuck. I used to like soft pretzels)



Hungry often

Peeing a lot.

Feeling like crying at random

I took a pregnancy test on this past Friday. But it was negative ( took it at 11am tho)

What are the chances of me taking a test tomorrow morning Nov 19th and it being positive?