Rant on husband

I literally just blew up on him 30 min ago

I’m 39 weeks and 4 days I’m still going to work even tho it’s desk duty bc I’m military I come home exhausted he doesn’t work but he goes to school 3 times a week and I feel like little tasks around the house should be done with out me needing to say like putting the dishes away after they were washed the day before or taking out the trash bag when it’s getting full to the top

He rather eat frozen snacks then my left overs from dinner so I feel like there’s no point of me cooking but when I stop he makes snotty remarks

I work from 4:30am-1pm come home nap for two hours shower then start on dinner then relax and go to bed at 9

My days off is when I dedicate to clean sweep mop laundry clean bathroom grocery shop for the week bc I go weekly

And he had the audacity to say I have it easy I don’t do shit at work and I sleep all day LIKE HELLOOO IM ABOUT TO POP ANY DAY NOW I’m exhausted bc I sleep like shit and I get woken up when he finally comes to bed after staying up playing video games

I’m just very irritated and hurt but also feel bad for having such a big blow out