Dehydrated 6 month old..


So my little man is 6 months old, EBF, and WILL NOT TAKE ANY BOTTLE. He won’t take a sippy, a cup, or let me use a syringe.. he spits it back out and cries till there are tears and is almost inconsolable.

I worry it’s my milk supply.. I pumped to get it to the point he could be EBF, but back then he would take a bottle willingly. So now I’m afraid to pump at all because he won’t eat it.

Breastfeeding is a struggle because he’s a nosy baby. He refuses to focus on the boob and unlatches anytime he sees or hears another person.. I can’t avoid that because I’m a SAHM with a 2 year old who is obsessed with her brother.

His soft spot is sunken and he makes 4 wet diapers a day.. usually during the day they’re barely wet. His overnight one is full though. Idk what to do.. I feed him as often as I can but sometimes he just refuses to eat.