Is something wrong with me?

I’m young (not that young😂) and starting to ease my way into the dating world. Now throughout my whole childhood you can say I was what my mom would call “fast” and if you have never heard the term it basically means when little girls are not acting their age. So I had a lot of “boyfriends” but now that I’m older I realize it was just a title me and friends had for fun and to feel grown up, we never kissed, held hands, ect but I was convinced I had 10 boyfriends every school year in elementary.. (don’t judge I was a dumb😭). Anyway I’ve only dated one boy who I consider my “real” first boyfriend, he wasn’t my first kiss but he was my longest relationship (about two or three months). I did have relationships after him but they didn’t last. So anyway now to get on with my problem my last boyfriend annoyed the shiiiiit out of me!!! (We are broken up now) He wanted to walk me to all my classes (I’m in high school by the way) he followed me everywhere like an annoying puppy! He also texted and called me none stop. When I told my friends my problem they replied with stuff like “awww he wants to be around you all the time” or “omg your so lucky! clingy boyfriends are cute and hard to find” I didn’t find it cute I found it super nerve racking and I don’t think I’m supposed to feel this way... this isn’t the first boy I’ve felt this way with even a boy just texting me too much gets me annoyed. Am I just not ready for a relationship yet?

P.s I actually want to date not because I feel pressured by peers or anything i just honestly want a boyfriend.