Natural birth is good but.....

Zahara • Life goes on

So I had my first baby on the 16th of November. .. I'm happy I had it naturally. It was an awesome experience and I was very happy I went through it. Now it's three days after birth, and....

My stitches are paining and it's hard to sit down. Walking is so difficult because the stitched area aches. I have to just keep lying down but I cannot stay that way because it isn't the healthy way, so I get up to feed and eat and go to the washroom and those are like big challenging tasks for me. Sigh.....

I was told that this would take 10 days to heal. .. So now I'm counting days and waiting to see if I'll be fit in 10 days. I'm on pain killers and topical application of cream on my stitches. Praying that it all heals without any festation.

I use a pad to soak and dry the area after washroom because using tissues or cotton wool isn't a good idea as there's a chance that tiny particles of the wool or tissue can gather round the stitches without notice.

All in all, I think natural birth should be way better than cesarean birth because if this aftermath is unbearable, cesarean aftermath had to be worse since it's seven layers of skin cut through and stitched back! I don't even want to imagine the pain. ...

And I really really admire all women who have more than one child because seriously, it should take a whole lot of courage to be willing to get pregnant again after having experienced the after birth pains... when we're pregnant the first time, we really don't know what to actually expect....but after having one child, you just know what to expect, and you still are willing to go through it. ...You're really respected! God bless those women. I'm not yet one of them. I hope to have the courage to get pregnant again, but for now, I'm just happy being a mom to my first baby. I'm not thinking of any more kids now. ..