MIL may not be supportive

Alli • Grace 10-8-18 ❤️❤️

So I EP, I have been for a little over a week now but had been frequently pumping beforehand too. My daughter has a good latch, but half the time won’t even try and just screams so it’s just a lot easier on both of us for me to just pump and I’m a lot happy and less stressed now. Well everytime we would go anywhere before I started EPing, we’d bring a bottle as I didn’t feel comfortable enough trying to nurse outside of our house because I didn’t know if she’d scream or not. At my in laws everytime I’d say she’s hungry, my MIL would offer her room for us to go nurse, even though I’ve only ever given her bottles in front of them. Now that’s I’m only pumping, I’m not sure how to go about telling them. We’re going over there for thanksgiving and so I’ll have to bring my pump and I just worry she’ll think I’m not doing what’s best as it’s not nursing. My mom understands as she ended up having to switch me and my brother to formula due to latch but my MIL has only nursed all her kids. How do I go about informing her about my decision and try to explain its best for us?