

So After 5 years of TTC.I finally found out I am 7 weeks Pregnant.I am so overwhelmed..I started Feeling Cramps outside of my period.I Knew something was wrong.The cramps were accompanied with Nausea and Lightheadness..SO i went to thr Doctor.And Yes Girls..It was a Positive.Thank you God!!Of course I was afraid because At the time I was doing Intensive workout with a Personal Trainer and Was taking Fat burner, Rx Womens Vitamin,Rx Fish Oil,and Pre workout Powder with Water.I But turns out I am super Healthy and strong.Baby is still with me.I get My first Ultrasound on December 6th..Would have gotten sooner but apperantly alot of Places are not doing them because Of Thanksgiving week...Ekkkk Excited to se my Little Bean and to hear that precious Heartbeat for the first time.Cant wait!! My little Miracle Baby 😍Praying to God My little Strong Bean is Healthy !! What Makes this Even more Special.Is that My estimated Due date is July 5th..My Birthday Is July 7th!! Oh Early Birthday Present for me!!