
So i was talking to this guy for two years now. We hadn’t seen each other since last February. So we planned to meet up on past Halloween and so we did . We had An amazing time he was happy and laughing and we didn’t want to let each other go. We were holding hands and hugging and kissing. And before I left him to take the train back home he goes thank you for waiting for me. Meaning waiting to be together with him. He keeps up with texting me for a month. And then he starts texting less and less. He lives in ny and I live in nj. And I said how hurtful it was and how I wanted him but he doesn’t give me 100% effort. He replies you’re perfect you’re eveything I’ve ever wanted I just need to get my life together so I can be ready for you. Now I’m confused. Thinking to myself I thought we established I waited for

You and we were together. He was like i enjoy being with you and blah blah. Time goes by I start to text less and he texts me telling me how much he misses me. (We havent seen each other since October 31) past week end goes by and I text him miss you at 6pm I realize he doesn’t text me saturdays specifically. This makes me think things. Those are his days off. If anything shouldn’t he be texting me more during weekends. So I text him 30 minutes after I send the miss you text saying “you know forget it, why should I even bother texting you when you don’t respond anyways, and you don’t text me every Saturday specifically, just makes me think things. Hope you had a great day and night.” This was Saturday. Sunday comes rolling around and he hasn’t responded but he posts a Instagram story and he deleted it so fast. I barley got to see it. But it was of him. I haven’t texted him again. I’m so hurt. It was a big slap in the face and literally means nothing. What do I do? Do I continue not to say anything. If he texts me how do I express how hurtful it was? Is this a sign? What do you think?