denial??? maybe???

hi guys, so for the last few years i’ve been oddly obsessed with weighing myself and barely eating and doing random spurts of workouts and checking the mirror to see how thin i look.

obsessed may be an overstatement, but it’s definitely always in the back of my mind.

as of today, i’m 5’9 and 112 lbs. and i keep thinking that i want to be 110, although i don’t really make the effort to get there? it’s just in my mind.

also, i’ve started kind of calorie counting too??

i don’t know if this is even considered an ED. i feel like i might be a hypochondriac, or maybe i’m in denial, or i don’t even know.

all i know is that i dropped 20 lbs in 3 months without me being conscious of it.

people make notes about how much weight i’ve lost and i don’t feel much different.

but ugh.


here is me now..

and this was me a year ago. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

i’m going crazy lmao.