Baby boy is here update

Ashley • Mom of three beautiful kids. #AlexaJune and #AidenNicholas and #EdwardMichael and just here to give advice and track my period 😁

So here is my birth story. Now mine is going to be short story bc this is my third and was my easiest birth.

I went into labor on Sunday 11/18 but I wasn’t quite sure I was in labor so I stayed home as long as I could. My contractions started around 1pm and so I did some stuff around the house waiting for them to get stronger or my water to break. (Last week I was at 3 1/2 cm dilated and 60% effaced and though eh I could be like this until my due date.) but I made it to 38 weeks with him. 😁

So about around 12am my contractions got stronger but I still don’t want to go bc I was scared they would just send me home. So at 1am I told my husband I think we need to go to the hospital. So we dropped of our two kids at my parents house and went to the hospital right down the road.

We get to the labor and delivery and they do there triage and tell me I’m at 5 1/2 cm and was for sure thought ok well they will just probably send me home. Nope the nurse said u aren’t going anywhere. So they did an ultrasound just to make sure baby was still head down. Which he was thank goodness.

So now they move us to the labor & delivery room. And I got my epidural as well but that didn’t go so well the first time bc she hit one of my veins and would do the test just to make sure she did it right and didn’t bc I almost pass out bc of it. That was at 3am.

Once that was in I tried to get some sleep while I labor. At 6am the doctor came in and checked me and to break my water. Which before he breaks my water I’m at 7cm dilated. So after that I slept some more. My doctor comes in every 3hrs and I would dilate 1/2 cm each 3hrs so they give me pitocin and that kick things into gear lol. So about 2:30pm I was fully dilated and my doctor said it was time and that hopefully we will have a baby by 3:30pm and he called it lol.

My baby boy was boy at 3:30pm weighing at 9lbs 5ozs and 22inches long. I pushed him out better then my other two babies I had. He came out like a breeze. No tears down there thank goodness but afterwards when they turn my epidural off I had the worst back pain that made cry badly.

Everyone meet Edward Michael 💙