My Hero 💫


I have had this dog for 10 years now, and it’s a long story but if you’re bored and love dogs this is for you 😂

When I was 4 years old, I was attacked by 2 dogs and became severely traumatized by animals. It even got to the point where I would scream/cry whenever I saw any animal because I was so terrified.

My family finally decided one day that we should get a dog or some kind of animal in order for me to get over my fear. When we arrived at the store to look at the adoptable dogs, I (still very terrified at this time) was so drawn to one dog that I even walked over to his cage and stood by it, with no fear at all. What had drawn me to him was the fact that when we pulled up to the store, even though every dog was barking at our car, he didn’t. He remained quiet the entire time (which we later learned was because he had underwent surgery from a car accident that he had been in recently). We ended up adopting him because of his calm temperament.

A few years later, his left leg had healed from where he had been hit, and he underwent training to become a therapy dog. (If you don’t know what that is, it is a dog who is trained and goes into hospitals/nursing homes and visits the patients because it can help them feel relaxed and at home)

He was quite the spectacular therapy dog if I do say so myself. He was able to help many patients who hadn’t spoken in weeks speak, and he even was able to sense when a patient was going to have a seizure.

He is now retired from therapy work, and lives a relaxed life lol.

I just wanted to brag on him because without him I would not have gotten over my fear of animals. We now have several different animals, and I even have considered being a vet because I love animals so much now.

He is 14 almost 15 now and he is beginning to struggle with his old age.

Anyways, here’s to the best dog in the world. I love you so much, and thank you for helping me, Apollo. 💕