How to train a dog that doesn’t respect you?

I’m finding it difficult to find good resources on how I can train my male dog that does not respect me. He loves me, that’s for sure, but he has a dominance issue. He wants to own me.

This shows because he gets along with EVERYONE except my husband. He treats my husband like crap even though my husband is SO good to him and loves him dearly.

Our dog starts acting weird whenever my husband makes love to me. He even jumps on the bed and stares straight at my face! Uncomfortable to say the least. He follows me EVERYWHERE and doesn’t do this if my husband isn’t around.

He acts extremely different whenever my husband is not home. And he doesn’t take me seriously! If I scold him, he will just wag and continue on doing what he’s doing. If I put him outside, he finds a way to come back in so he can stalk me. If I tell him to stay, he stalks me from 10 feet away no matter what I do.

It’s been about 2 years since we’ve adopted him from the shelter. He got neutered then.

And I’ve been away on travel so he’s been forced to stay with my husband and our other animals. He’s been sad, but doing good enough to play fetch with him and go on runs.

I’m now close to home staying with my mother in law, so my husband visits me. He told me that after he saw me, our dog could smell me on him and started treating my husband weird again.

I’ve just had it.

I absolutely adore animals and would never even hurt a spider! I rescued them or move them aside. But this dog has frustrated me so badly that I’ve had dreams of kicking him away or smacking him cause of his stalking and disrespectful demeanor.

I could never be like this! I’m shocked I even dreamt it. I absolutely despise when people hurt animals.

I would love some advice on how I can train him to respect me. Books, ebooks, videos etc.

I love this pup greatly, but I don’t think I could keep him if this continues on.

Ps. After re-reading this, I realized I didn’t go into greater detail of how this dog treats me or my husband, but I’d be happy to share if there’s any questions. I kept it minimal for the sake of the post.