Can you take oral acne meds when on the mini pill?

For 10+ years I was on the combination pill, which was great and easy and I never had many issues with. 
But about 9 months ago, I needed a prescription refill and for health insurance reasons had to Planned Parenthood to renew it, rather than a doctor. Because I have had a history of migraines with aura, they would not give me my normal pill, and put me on the mini pill instead.
I have had to stick with the mini pill since then, and I genuinely hate it. My normally easy periods are all over the place, sometimes getting two in the same month, sometimes not at all. I'm struggling with weight gain, wild mood swings, and awful AWFUL acne. All over my lips and chin, resistant to everything I throw at it. It's painful and embarrassing. 
While I hope to go back to the doctor soon and talk to them about returning to a low dose combination pill (my migraines were likely due to other factors), I'm concerned they won't budge. If I am stuck on the mini pill, is it possible to take oral acne medication/antibiotics with the mini pill? If I could just manage the acne, I could potentially deal with the rest of the  symptoms over time. But 9 months of hideous cysts on my mouth is just making me miserable, to the point that I'd rather give up pills altogether --- and I'm someone who loved the combination pill!