Relationship is going to shit.

My boyfriend is so obsessed with his car and it’s all he talks about every single day. If he is not happy with it he takes his anger out on me. I haven’t seen him for weeks because he keeps saying he is doing his car and I just feel so hurt and alone. He takes so many hours to message back. Today he took 5 hours to message me back and when I don’t know what he’s doing I’ll ask or I’ll say that I’m feeling upset because he hasn’t bothered to call or ask about my day anymore and he messaged me back swearing at me and saying I know what he’s fucking doing.. am I too clingy or something? I wouldn’t do this if he was at work but he’s at home everyday and lives an hour away and it would just be nice to talk to him or even see him on weekends like we used to... please help me out.