Co-worker crush ADVICE needed please, ladies!

Sooo here we go, this might be a long one. There's this guy I work with. I'm 17, turning 18 in 4 months and he is 22 (single). When I first met him I thought he was sweet but I didn't think that much into it. Also, this is the awkward bit, I work at the same place as my mum (she doesn't know I like him). Only shes been there for five years and I've only worked there for just over a month. He joined a few months ago prior to me.

We work pretty closely together and after a while I started seeing him in a different light.

As soon as I realised I was getting a crush on him I immediately tried to just pretend it wasn't there. I was so mad at myself. I just got this amazing job, I'm getting my life on track, moving out soon and all I can think about is some guy that didn't even matter to me two months ago.

He's very shy and he barely ever says two words to me. After the first week where he spoke to me a little he just kind of...stopped? Even though he's my superiour and he's supposed to tell me what to do (he is not my boss, but my job is literally being an assistant.) I thought this meant that he didn't like me (as a person as opposed to as a crush) because I know that he talks to everyone else even people that don't work as closely to him.

I didn't mind if he didn't see me the way I'm trying not to see him but as we work together, it would be nice if he didn't dislike me. BUT. I know that he talks to other people about me, he asked my co-worker friend about me a few times, I heard him say my name to another co-worker and...

I have a heart condition and I had to leave work early to go to hospital as I was having one of the episodes (it was the day we don't work together so it didn't affect him at all.) And he didn't say anything to me at all the next day however my friend mum told me a week later that he apparently was really worried about me after and asked if there was anything that he could do to help prevent it etc. BUT WHY DIDN'T HE SAY ANYTHING TO ME?!

Am I over thinking simplistic things? Yes. But I just want to get over this crush. Realistically, I know that he's to good for me anyway. I just need some advice on what to do, please please please help. 💚