Heather Evelyn • // Baby girl was born 08.27.2015 // Married my Husband 11.11.2014 // I was born 01.02.1996 // Christian //
Okay so, early today I went in to L&D because I was bleeding and cramping. I am 34 weeks so we were kind of concerned. Got in there and they checked my cervix and told me that I am a centimeter dilated and extremely thinned out. So they kept me for a little while to monitor me because I was also having contractions. I ended up getting to go home but the doc told me to come back if I starting hurting again or bleeding. About an hour or so ago I went to pee and when I wiped there was a big clot of the same color stuff as the picture shows so we called L&D and they wouldn't tell us anything and my OB office is closed. Well I went to pee again and more of it came out which is what is shown here. Is it my mucus plug or what is it? Should I go in to L&D? I live an hour way from the hospital..