Our story please read

Megan • Megan💄 Ortho asst🦷 fur mom to two GSDs🐶 3 miscarriages 👼🏼 Gracie Mae🌺

So, i know I’ve posted plenty of questions and results over the past few months but i feel like i need to put our story out there.

My husband and i have been trying for 5 years. Over the time I’ve miscarried 3 times. Each time it was only on at home test and i naturally passed everything. The last time i fell pregnant was 2015. After one obgyn saying i have PCOS there’s nothing he can do for me he referred me out to Chicago <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">Ivf</a>. From there i went through all the tests. Hsg, ultrasounds and blood work. My results came back that i have my thyroid is 2.8 when it should be 2.5 or lower (I’m on synthroid for this) and metformin; other wise PCOS is my biggest battle. My tubes are open, ovaries are great, nothing in my ultrasounds. Next, my husband did his testing. He’s an overachiever. 🙄 so he checked out great. After meeting with the dr. He suggested we give clomid a whirl and if not we will try <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>. Well, of course they seemed to push <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> more than anything. I did one cycle of clomid 50 mg- no monitoring just at home LH tests (where i got positive test) and timed intercourse- first round was a fail. After talking to my sister i changed my obgyn and talked to hers. He said why don’t you give it another try and on day 21 let’s test your progesterone. Well round 2- 50 mg clomid. Progesterone test 15.5 and a for sure positive LH test. He was pleased but said it was up to me if i wanted to shoot for 20 progesterone and go up to 100mg for round 3. We will test again on day 21 and see where were at. If we go up in progesterone I’ll stay at 100. If nothing takes we will give <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> a shot and go from there. Both drs seem so hopeful given i have normal 28 day cycles but as we all know it’s all exhausting.

I know it’s a lot but i feel that there are others similar to me/my story. Maybe someone has insight. What do y’all think? What would you do?
