I swore I wouldn’t but Here I am 😞😞😞

Tara • Married currently ttc

The Struggle Has Been Extremely Real I became a mother At the tender age of 15 and now has a 14 yr old who is becoming her own person and really isn’t interested in mommy like she use to be Like I’m Fighting my tears RN my daughter keeps walking in the Living Room And I As Usual Pretend Everything is Okay When in Reality I’m Not Like My Hurt Hearts Sooooo Bad Because Here it is Another Month I’m out the Getting my BFP I’ve Been Taking Geritol Pills for a little over a Month I began at the end of my last cycle on Threw a new cycle and I just knew this was it it was gne be my turn all the Success Stories i has read I just knew yeah okay that’s gonna be me Well here I am laying on the couch in the living room because I’m disgusted with myself as well as my husband it’s like he care but he doesn’t and doesn’t really understand how incomplete it makes me feel we’ve been together 7yrs Married For 4 even going threw the heartache of Almost Adopting to Grieving from The Birth Mom Changing Her Mind After Us Raising The Baby From Birth Until 2 it’s like I feel guilty about my daughter being a only child and not having anyone to confine in and just her go to person we moved away from everyone we knew to get a new lease on life and I know she resent me but I couldn’t do it there anymore All I Want is Those two line to Show Positive On A pregnancy Test Thanksgiving just passed and I got so excited about Find the Wishbone with My Husband And Making a Wish Together I just knew it would Come True Yet Again AF showed Her Ugly Face This Evening After all-day Of Sikeing Myself Up That Just Maybe God Answered My Prayer And it wasn’t Coming Tuhhhhh Jokes On me huhhhhh Because Low and Behold I went to the Restroom and BAM she Here 😭😭😭😭😭 I’m Just Sooooo Freaking Over It Already So you Know what I’m Done I Give Up I Q U I T I can’t Stomach It anymore