Maybe Baby 🤞👶


Okay so me and my fiancee have been ttc our first baby together. I have a daughter and he has none yet. My daughter is 9 and after I had her I was told I had pcos so I went on the nexplanon and was on that from may of 2009 to may of this year. I had a 18month time out from it in 2012 till just before 2014. Since being off bc my cycle has been pretty regular. Right after having it taken out we had a miscarriage. I dont use any tools except apps to track. My doc said if by may we dont conceive she will put me on clomid if we want. Anyway my last normal period was in October however in November the same time my period was due I had spotting it wasnt heavy enough to need anything except at night and it wasnt light enough to not notice. I didnt think anything of it becuz of the pcos. And well yesterday I was super nauseous and threw up once and dizzy too. So we caved and went and bought tests. I took one last night( the one on top). Nothing let it go and went to bed. This am with FMU I took the second thinking it was gonna be nothing again but literally 30 seconds after setting it down I saw a faint line( bottom one). I showed my fiancee thinking I was seeing things and he said yep it there. Im still not convinced there's a line there. What do yall think? I'm really trying not to get excited but I'll be calling my dr tomorrow.