Different apps displaying different things

Jennifer • TTC for 3 years (1 blocked tube), 2 MC
Being irregular is so frustrating! These are my three favorite apps (Glow, Ovia, and I just discovered FertilityFriend  which has great reviews for those with irregular cycles). I decided to do an experiment this month and start using my clearblue digital opk a few days after my period and test the whole month just out of curiosity and it went from low on the 6th to peak on the 7th. Glow never changed my fertile week although I entered the positive, Ovia automatically changed my fertile week, and Fertility Friend is giving me insights as to why I may not have ovulated yet. This current week, I have been getting a flashing smiley (high) for about 5 or 6 days now causing me to think the first peak on the 7th was a dud. According to fertility friend, it says they don't believe I have ovulated yet due to my temps and other things I have logged. Although I am still entering all my data for all 3 apps, fertility friend is giving me more info than any of the other apps and seems to have a lot more to offer. Hoping I can figure out if I've ovulated yet. Still love glow though even though I'm siding with FertilityFriend this month!