He was worth all the pain and discomfort ♡

Jenny💙 • christian. wife. mom. step-mom. 💙

A little late in annoucing but its been a crazy wild ride! We got induced the 21st. He arrived at 10:19am on 11/23/18. It was a very painful labor, i had a bad reaction to my epidural drugs so they had to stop them. I felt every contraction full strength.. then he got suck in my hip. Worst pain ever!! I couldn't push so the had to vacuum him out or we would have had to go to emergency csection.

But it was worth every second of morning sickness, cramping, body aches, strech marks, weight gain, contractions, labor pain, lack of sleep, sore breasts, etc.

I just cry thinking about how much I am so in love with this tiny human! I just hope I can be the best mommy to him.

Here are a few of his hospital pics i took myself :) [#photog mom]

Welcome to the world little Holden Malachi ♡