Misscarriage and family member being pregnant

So I found out at 8 weeks we had missed carried and had a d&c done the 16th. My nephew and his girlfriend are young and teens still in school they found out they are 10 weeks and 5 days. I'm hurting so much trying to be happy for them but just knowing I was that far along when I had my surgery it hurts so bad. I really cant talk to family and really dont have friends since moving away. I find myself sitting at home crying. But just thinking they are due a little over a week after we should be having our little one hurts me so much. I didn't want anyone to know we were pregnant until we knew everything was ok but I had to tell my sister because she was here for a week visiting and I was really sick. she had went back home and let it slip out and 3 days later i had to tell everyone we lost our baby.