FTM Super Easy Birth Story ❤


I came in yesterday night at 9PM to check in to get induced. My cervix was not soft enough so they said they would give me three doses of medication over the night to soften it and start pitocin at 8 in the morning. Well, they gave me the first dose of cytotec around 10PM. Around 11PM I started to have very consistent contractions. The machine showed they were pretty strong, but they didn't hurt. Very uncomfortable, but not exactly painful. They L&D bed itself was more uncomfortable tbh. Anyways, by midnight they were only a minute apart and they stayed strong and a minute apart ALL NIGHT. I got to fall asleep for about an hour around 4AM. I woke up an hour later and felt, what I thought was my baby kicking the ever loving hell out of me during a contraction... then water. Loads of water. I then realized my water had broke. I freaked out and screamed at my husband to wake up lol. Poor thing thought I was dying lol. Called the nurse in to check me and said I was extremely soft and 6CM dilated. (And that the baby had hair 😍) She told me she would get the epidural going and then check me again. I had a total of 10 contractions between my water breaking and the epidural... those contracts were a lot more than uncomfortable. But once I had that epidural, I was one happy momma! By 8am I was 8cm dilated! They freaked out and said get thr doctor called immediately. I did not realize that meant because it was time lol. She came in about 30 minutes later and checked me.. I was already a 9 by then. She told everyone it was time. They got all the stuff ready so fast! I started pushing a little after 8:30am, and had the baby by 8:47am!! It was crazy fast! It did not hurt even a little. I have a few stitches and they definitely hurt now though lol.

Anyways! My labor went by so extremely quick and perfect! I didn't even get the pitocin! My doctor, husband, and photographer were beyond impressed.

Thanks for reading! ❤ here are some pictures of my perfect Grey Cooper Marler! ❤