Can't stop worrying :(

Hey there.. 
So I've had 3 losses before this pregnancy.. An ectopic,blightend ovum and a embryo that just wouldnt grow quick enough and stopped at 6 weeks and never got to see the heartbeat :( 
I had a scan at 7+1 and we saw the heartbeat!! Everything looked perfect!
I was worried because I had no morning sickness and just felt not pregnant! 
I'm 9 weeks+1 now and still don't feel pregnant but have had abit of nausea since yesterday! 
I've tried finding the heartbeat on a Doppler but no luck! I no it can be too early 
I am getting so scared that my baby's stopped growing. Or we won't see a heartbeat at my next scan.. 
 I can't shift this feeling! It's horrible! I just want to enjoy this pregnancy :(