Oooh baby!! Finally home💕


Baby Eden joined us November 24th at 12:38 a.m.!!

Went to l&d with pelvic period like cintractions around 9 pm that i had been having all day, they were very inconsistent, but becoming gradually more uncomfortable.

When i got there i waa 5cm so they admitted me 😊

I requested an epidural, because i missed my epi window with my previous 2 pregnancies and was terrified to endure the pain again. Best decision ever! I felt the beauty of the baby fully engaging and i watched her come out, it was by far my best delivery.

By the time i got the epidural, which took a while because she had to place it 2 different times, i was re checked and was at 8cm, and numb (thank god)

My OBGYN tried manually helping thinngs along and also broke my water at that time.

5 mins later i felt the pressure and urge to push and i was at 10!!

She came into the world after 2 pushes!

Im so thankful the epidural allowed me to enjoy and participate better in my delivery 💕

7 pounds 2 ounces