When your test is negative....AGAIN

Megan • Zaiden 8/26/11 🌈🌈 baby due 1/30/20!

Here it is. CD 30 and yet again no period in site.

And ofcourse there is every symptom imaginable even down to the nausea!

You tell you self you aren't going to psych your self up during the 2ww, and its busy at work so you dont really have time to think about it. But these little symptoms keep popping up. Giving you an Inkling of hope that you might just possibly be pregnant.

So you wait it out. And test day FINALLY comes! You bolt out of bed. Get the urine cup ready! Dip in the test and again... wait. Those 3 longgggg agonizing minutes. Uncover the test with your eyes closed, knowing that when you open there HAS to be a second line! Right?!

Wrong!! Stark. White. Negative. Again. AGAIN!!!!

HOW CAN THIS BE?!?! You know you are not crazy! You know the symptoms you had the last week or so were real! The very sore swollen breasts, the insomnia, vivid dreams, food aversions, the whole nine yards! This cant be a regular monthly occurance!

But here you are..yet again, with nothing but a urine covered stick with one line.

Sound familiar? You aren't alone.

This whole TTC process is so frustrating and confusing and messy!

I know today I am having a hard time dealing with it, as I'm sure so many other beautiful ladies are.

We have got to band together! We might not know each other personally, but we know the struggle all too well. So if you have read this far, and what I have written resonates with you, then share you story!

As always, baby dust!