My Rainbow Baby - Not One but Two!


Hey everyone so I’m new to this app, but if you guys have any advice that’d be great.

My husband and I have known each other for about six years now. We ended up not doing anything about it though til earlier this year in February. We had gotten engaged in March and knew we were meant to be from the beginning. Plan was to get married in August 2019, but God had other plans for us.

I ended up getting pregnant, so we bumped the wedding up a year. 7-8 weeks later, I sadly had a miscarriage. Then we had found out that, we didn’t just lose one baby, we had lost twins.... 💜💙.

We have been trying to conceive again, but haven’t had any luck, due to me having a few issues... we did name out little ones, in hopes it would help us. But, it’s been very difficult for me since this has all taken place.

I am more than blessed with an adorable stepson from one of my husbands past relationships, but that had also taken a toll on me... in a different way, if that makes sense.

Just wondering how all of you other beautiful women have dealt with a loss like this? Any tips would be great.