Quick question

Okay so here’s the deal most of my boyfriends family absolutely hates his ex always talking about how she’s crazy and almost killed him an this and that I personally don’t even have a opinion on her since I don’t know her myself. She lives in Houston, an his family live in Victoria so my thing is would y’all be mad if certain family members of your s/o still keeps in contact with the ex still like always commenting on her things or she’s always coming down to visit his grandma witch when I met his grandma I greeted myself politely and respectfully I thought It went go second time I go done to Victoria with him I here that his grandma is telling his sisters that I look like his ex? Witch we look nothing alike I look full blown Mexican Latina and she looks Asian so idk how but ever since that ever time we go down there an we stop at his grandmas I feel like this awkward tension when I there like she doesn’t like me I’m always saying hi and she never says anything back just looks

Idk what to do? Should I bring it up to my bf and let him know how uncomfortable I feel that they still keep in contact is it even my place?