That was a stab to my heart...

Amanda • 👶🏼💜 February 2016 Miscarriage May, August, October 2018, & June 2019 Twins October 2019 & June 2020

It’s been a rough year for my husband and I. A year trying for baby #2 and 3 miscarriages.

I feel so broken inside. I’ve decided to take some time away from trying since I feel trying completely consumes me.

I’ve been seeing a therapist and working on getting healthier body and mind.

I have days when I’m more sad than others. With other personal stress and a massive migraine all day. My husband comes home with the mail and I get this big box of samples of baby formula and coupons in the mail. That really hurt...

Trying so hard to not let things like this bother me but I’m only human and I’ve experienced so much loss this year... 😭