How long after you got off the depo shot did it take for your next period to start?

Comment below if you've used and gone off depo or had a similar experience.

I'm weaning, but still nursing about 3-4 times/day and using condoms to prevent pregnancy. I've never done just condoms. So I'm not sure what my regular cycle should be because it was every 3-6 months in middle and high school before I went on the pill (forever ago) and was running cross country. Also, I haven't had a period in almost 2 years (since before my current baby), just some light spotting post-baby, which honestly has been great. I was on the depo-provera shot and nursing or pumping all the time until after my son turned one about two months ago. Both of which may cause periods to not occur or be light. And I spoke to my doctor about not having periods while nursing before I went off the shot. So I'm not too worried just waiting and wondering.

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