Induction turned C-section

Jess • 💕Expecting Baby #2💕

My baby girl came into this world on 11/24/18 at 7:43pm weighing 7lbs 15oz and 19.4 inches.

I had false labor all throughout November. I even had contractions for a 42 hour period 2-3 minutes apart with no progression. So on 11/23/18 I was waking up all night to contractions. I woke up to a big one and felt a gush of liquid. It was a small amount so I wasn’t sure if my water broke. I got up went to the bathroom and a little more came out. I jumped in the shower and a tiny more came out. Once I changed I had my bloody show and I knew it was time.

We drove to the hospital and as soon as I got there my water continued to break and I got small contractions. The immediate admitted me and started me on pitocin to induce labor quicker. I was dilated on to a 1.5 cm. I was planning on waiting for the epidural until 4 cm, but the contractions got so strong that I got it at 3cm. For anyone who is scared of needles like me, the needle is nothing compared to contractions. I promise it’s worth it. I could still feel contraction, but much more mild.

My baby didn’t like the pitocin. Every time they would give it the baby’s heart rate would drop. So they kept starting and stopping it and changing my positions. It was so hard for me to be on my side but they kept insisting for the baby.

After 15 hours of labor, my doctor told me I needed to have a c-section bc the baby was under stress and not progressing. It turned out I had 2 huge fibroids that grew during pregnancy. They were behind the placenta so they didn’t show on the sonogram. They were in the way and the baby could move down. They also caused a lot of discomfort throughout pregnancy, but no one knew it was the fibroids and thought it was just from pregnancy.

Baby girl is healthy and so beautiful! This is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’m so sore from the c-section, I don’t know

if I’m having a bad recovery or if no one really talks about how hard and painful it is. I’m still in a little bit of shock from the experience, but I just look at my daughter and I’m so grateful.