She’s here!!!


Last week was a whirlwind! My husband and I had the nasty stomach bug on Tuesday. I was miserable, contractions in my back Monday-Friday. Thanksgiving wasn’t fun, but I was over the bug so I got to enjoy yummy food.

Now, the birth story...

My due date was 12/1 and induction was scheduled for 11/28, but Friday morning at 3am, my husband takes me to the hospital thinking I was in labor. Get there and I’m dilated to a 3, 100% effaced, and bulging water (the nurse noticed this Tuesday when I went in for fluids) They sent me home with nothing.

Get home at 6:30 am. I tried to rest, but I couldn’t sit, lie down, bounce on the yoga ball, nothing. I took Tylenol and nothing helped my back pain/contractions. At 11:45, I go into our bedroom where my husband is sleeping and I’m in tears!! I couldn’t take the pain anymore! Like, I was sobbing which is unusual for me because of my high pain tolerance. Jared decides to take me to a different hospital (which is actually closer than the one I had planned on going to.) We get there and they say I’m at a 4! The nurse was shocked that the other hospital sent me home with a bulging water! She felt the water before she felt my cervix!

Needless to say, they kept me. We called family. They arrived at about 6-7 pm. Dilation was progressing pretty quickly. So we thought we would have a baby by midnight. Nope. I pushed for two hours with no progress. So we had to do a csection. 😓 Everything went marvelously.

Baby girl arrived at 7:54 am Saturday morning (11/24/18.) 9 lbs 21.75” long!!!! Elaina is perfect!