Measuring 5 days behind....


I’m just looking for some success stories during this time of being so unsure of what’s going to happen.

I had my egg retrieval on 10/26 and had a 5 day fresh transfer on 10/31. I got my positive beta on 11/9, again on 11/11, and again on 11/16 and they said my levels were rising as they should.

I went in today for my first ultrasound, and they said I should be measuring 6weeks5days, but that I’m only measuring 6weeks. They said it could go either way-I could be fine and continue on to have a healthy pregnancy, but there is a very good chance that it could just stop growing, as they are usually pretty sure about their dates when <a href="">IVF</a> is done. We did see a heartbeat (103) which they said was good.

I’m just wondering if anyone has gone through something similar and had a healthy pregnancy with a healthy baby?