My visit with the LS

So after a week of painful breastfeeding to the point where I was crying non stop, I made an appt with a Lactation specialist.

She is the most awesome

Woman ever! She has been doing it for 17 years.

Anyways. She showed me some ways to help the latch on bc that was the part that KILLED me. Feels like someone taking my nipples and squeezing them as hard as they can. Not fun.

She gave me a nipple shield to try as well and it helps. Not 💯 but helps. She says to try it for a week then get back

To her.

IF breastfeeding doesn’t work out she says I can exclusively pump. Which doesn’t hurt at all and I’ve been making enough for baby. Plus add a bottle of formula if I don’t make enough.

Ladies. I don’t feel guilty at ALL if I can’t breastfeed! I won’t be in pain and miserable But at least she will be getting my milk through pumping.

My two older kids were formula fed and as healthy as can be

But she made me feel amazing. She told


It’s my choice and whatever works for me and only ME and that baby is FED is all that’s important

Yes I know I’ll be pumping every 3 hours but I BF every3 hours now. But just in PAIN.