Now I feel bad that I snooped....

I don’t have a big tree up this year. Just a small one I noticed a small bag sitting behind it thinking it was something for my son so I look in the bag and to see and see a gift card thing so I’m still thinking it’s a card to get my son toys or clothes from his grandparents or something. I open it and see it’s a gift card to get a massage and a facial. I thought maybe his parents got it for me. But on the other side I see written on the bag “to:mom From:(our son) and dad”😭😭😭 I didn’t know it was for me because the bag was facing the other way when I first grabbed it.

I got kind of mad at my boyfriend yesterday because he wanted to go to out without me(to a area that’s a little bigger than our small town) and I wanted to go because I had something I needed to do down there(that’s why I was kind of mad) but he said no he wanted to go by himself. I was like wtf. Now I know why. I didn’t expect it because he can be an ahole lol he’s not into giving gifts or anything out of 5 years he’s got me like 3 gifts. Don’t worry I’ll still act surprised and happy when I get it. But guess I need to learn to stop being such a snoop lol.