Naming Confusion!

We finally know we're having a girl, and I think my husband is trying to be more involved in the name game, which is great! Except, he seems to have forgotten everything we've talked about previously! We both like Ruth, and until recently I've openly struggles with finding a middle name I liked with it. He has heard ALL my thoughts on names, but he's now mentioned three times (since we found the gender) that he 'feels really good' about Ruth Ann. That was one of the first names I said I absolutely did not like! I think it's okay, but predictable. Every Ruth is a Ruth Ann. Ann has no significance to me, and I wanted something a little more elegant.

I know now that he was totally checked out for our previous name conversations, so do I restate that I really don't like Ruth Ann, and risk him checking out again? Or do I just ignore these passing comments and hope I can convince him with another name?