Im so over this 💩

Bebe • Mother of 2 amazing boys🙇🏽‍♂️,Girlfriend to an amazing boyfriend 💏 , MC 9/25/18👼🏽 my 🌈 👶🏽 8/26/19 currently pregnant with baby #3 a baby girl 🎀 coming 2022

Ttc is so hard I literally don’t know when I ovulate anymore 😔 I was pregnant in July and had a mc in September so when my doctor gave me the ok to try again I thought it would be simple I was so wrong I got my period on the 29th last month and by the <a href="">ovulation calculator</a> /period I would get my next period on December 4th and I ovulated on the 15-20 of this month apparently I have a 36-39 cycle ,well to my surprise I’m at work and my period came a week early. Ever since I had my mc I cannot predict what’s going on with my body I want another baby and I’m starting to get irritated