This women had a go at mee 😐


Went to get my blood screening done and she asked mee for my maternity notes. I don’t have any as my midwife appointment is on the 3rd December and my first ever scan is on the 7th December and she had a go at mee saying I should of already been and seen the midwife and had a scan, like sorry you all work for the same hospital so I’m only following what my letters say!

From the UK so don’t know if it’s different in America on how you lot do things, just felt a bit shit tbh, I’ll be 13+3 when I have my scan and I’ve been waiting for it since I was 8weeks pregnant!

Also she’s a fully trained midwife and I told her about my numb legs and headaches and she said too tell my midwife at the appointment on the 3rd, just brushed it off and didn’t even care, anyone had this and what has they midwife said it’s starting too really affect mee and I don’t know whether too head too A&E or something 🤷🏽‍♀️